Adverting in the Metaverse – Join us as we explore Decentraland.
After hearing a lot of buzz on social media about the Metaverse, and Decentraland in particular I decided I needed to take a look at what exactly this was and what It may mean for the future of digital marketing. Keep in mind, I am not a “gamer” and navigating an environment like this was an absolutely alien thing to me. For the purpose of this article, I am only going to share what I saw that was adverting related in the few areas that I explored.
One of the first ad spaces I saw when I was exploring was this one, a large black wall with a Visa card and some text. However, its clearly marked for sale with an email address.

One of the more “attractive” spots I saw was in one of the many plazas. Simple upright kiosks simply marked “advertising” with no current ads or contact information.

There were many informational and advertising billboards around the various spaces. Some were for events that occurred within the Decentraland Metaverse, and others were not. For example this one for that points to a website off of the platform.

One of the more organized efforts we saw comes from NFT Plazas. In just the short amount of time, I spent exploring Decentraland I came across several of these larger kiosks that displayed a variety of on, and off-platform information. These are clearly marked “advertise here” and are a place your brand could be seen if you so desired. Check out their website:

Clearly, a lot more time will be put into exploring opportunities in the metaverse. This was just one of many popular platforms that are in a seedling state. Several of our clients are interested in being early adopters of this platform leading us to make this exploration. Look for future articles about that journey as we create ads, buy placements, and track the success of these metaverse advertising campaigns.
Great article. Looking forward to advertise on Metaverse when I will need it.